Spouted Pouch

Driven by the potential on usability and sustainability of spouted pouches, The Fuji Seal Group has been involved in its commercialization since the late 1990’s:
- For beverages, we introduced a spouted pouch line system.
- For pharmacy, we have established spouted-retort packaging technology.
- For home and personal care, we took the initiative in developing refill pouches for both small and large capacities.
- Across all industries, we developed easy-to-open, easy-to-use, and sustainable packages from the perspective of consumers.
In particular recognized for their environmental and user friendliness, Fuji Pouch and air-in-film bottles were launched in Japan in 2016 and in the U.S. in 2020, respectively.
Below are a few examples of spouted pouches we can offer.

Fuji Seal
Spouted pouches
- Worldwide technical support
- Minimal material-use
- Easy-to-use
- 22 years of experience