Environmental Policy
We recognize that environmental issues are important issues common to all human beings. In order to contribute to a bright future and a livable global environment, we have established an environmental policy since 2008 and have conducted our business activities in consideration of environmental aspects.
In 2021, we completely revised our environmental policy where we will continue to contribute positively to the realization of a sustainable society by having each and every employee involved in more environmental activities and by further promoting cooperation among supply chains.
Read our latest initiatives here.
Visit our corporate website to learn more about global initiatives and their results on Environment:
Environment | Fuji Seal International
Or check earlier editions:
Environmental report vol. 19
Environmental report vol. 18
Environmental report vol. 17
Environmental report vol. 16
Environmental report vol. 15
Environmental report vol. 14
Environmental report vol. 13
Environmental report vol. 12
Environmental report vol. 11
Environmental report vol. 10
Environmental report vol. 9
Environmental report vol. 8
Environmental report vol. 7
Environmental report vol. 6
Environmental report vol. 5
Environmental report vol. 4
Environmental report vol. 3
Environmental report vol. 2
Environmental report vol. 1