The Fuji Seal ST steam tunnels are the shortest shrink tunnels in the market at the highest speed capabilities. This is combined with low steam consumption and the highest end quality. With a length which does not exceed 3 meters, speeds up to 66.000 bpm can be achieved.
The tunnel design is modular and can be adapted to your project requirements such as speed, product sizes, sleeve materials, change over times and budget.
With this modularity it is easy to upgrade the shrink tunnel in the field to adapt to higher speeds and a wider product ranges.
The tunnel can be provided with a system allowing a full change over including the change of nozzle positions, while not having to access the tunnel.
This tunnel can be provided with windows and back lighting allowing you to visually monitor the shrink process.
The tunnel carries integration of Fuji Seal’s combined IP knowledge of sleeve materials and shrink systems allowing handling of ultra-thin shrink sleeve materials.
Shortest shrink system at high speed
Low energy consumption
Safe & quick change over
Visible shrinking process